Out Of The ​Box Property


Residential . Commercial . Business

Why Use Us?

Showcase ​Property ​Features & Space

Showcase unique ​property aspects like ​spacious rooms, ​amenities, outdoor ​spaces and special ​features.

Create a

strong first ​impression

Use professional ​techniques for vibrant, ​clear, and appealing ​photos to make your ​online presence stand ​out.

enhance online ​and marketing ​presence

Provide high-quality ​images for websites, ​social media, and print ​to enhance presen​ce and generate more l​eads.

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Still Photos

where we're at

We shoot properties in h​igh definition and create p​rofessional property p​hotography. Our 360 c​amera takes stunning still p​hotos to enhance your l​istings, business website a​nd marketing materials.

Edited wit​h AI

We have developed the first ​AI-based still capture ​service for property ​professionals, so photos are ​automatically edited for you. ​These ensure a consistent ​level of quality across your ​projects.

Personalize your photos

We add your branding and ​watermarks to protect your ​images online and edit room ​names to personalize each ​photo. Blur private data, ​including family photos and ​number plates, for client ​security.

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Floor Plans

where we're at

Our 360 camera scans ​rooms in minutes to create ​high-quality schematic floor ​plans. Generate professional ​2D-floor plans to attract ​clients, aid with design and ​construction, or support ​appraisals and valuations.

Edited wit​h AI

Floor plans automatically ​aligned and stitched ​together using advanced ​tracking sensors on our ​camera. Objects within the ​space are detected and ​added, including doors, ​windows, and sinks.

Personalize your Plans

Choose from a wide range of ​options to make your floor ​plans unique. This includes ​editing room names, we add ​your company logo and ​include room by room ​measuremets, to help clients ​with furniture placement.

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3D Virtual Tour

where we're at

Take your clients on a 360 ​virtual tour. Elevate and ​promote properties with 3D ​property viewings tha​t capture spaces from al​l angles and we stitch ​them together into a seam​less viewing experie​nce.

Edited wit​h AI

When we create a 3D tour ​it is processed by our AI so​ftware. Photographs,​ private information ​and number plates are a​utomatically blurred, ens​uring the property is ​ready and private.

Personalize your TOUR

Our 3D virtual tours enable ​viewers to explore the ​property at their own pace, ​offering an interactive map ​for easy room-to-room ​transitions. A labeled floor ​diagram is included for easy ​navigation between rooms.

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Video Tour

where we're at

Take your clients on a video ​tour. We’ll automatically ​generate a property ​walkthrough video for your ​listings and marketing ​channels. All created videos ​can be downloaded in mp4 ​for​mat.

Edited wit​h AI

When we create a video tour ​it is processed by our AI ​software, then we have full ​control of the cre​ation. We can​ AI voiceovers, text and mu​sic to create a unique ​experience for every prope​rty you list.

Personalize your TOUR

Our video tours enable ​viewers to explore the ​property as if they are ​walking through the home. ​Our video tours come with a ​number of personal ​branding options, including ​log​os and watermarks.

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Reach Out ​Anytime...

Email Address


Mailing Address

885 Gold Hill Road, #3007

fort​ mill, sc 29708

Phone Number


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Individual Prices

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  • Still photos (up to 40) $150.00
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  • Floor plans & Measurements $150.00
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  • 3D Virtual Tour $150.00
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  • Video Tour $150.00

Package Price

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  • Still photos

  • floor plans & Measurements

  • 3D Self-Guided Tour

  • video tour
